Minnesota has a spending problem, and the ever-growing government is encroaching on our livelihood and our freedoms.
Excess taxes collected go toward more government bureaucracy to which we must answer.  Meanwhile, our families are struggling and our children are being taught that capitalism has failed.

It doesn't have to be this way.  Government should restrain its appetite for spending and stop the erosion of our rights.


When the state of Minnesota collects more taxes than it needs, it sees those funds as a piggy bank for implementing their own personal wish list of pork projects and social initiatives.
Last year, Minnesota spent an $18 billion one-time surplus and grew the government by 40%.  This should have been returned to the taxpayers, not used to enable numerous new political initiatives.


Our local schools need to concentrate on the core competencies of reading, writing, math, and science.  Parental input should be sought on curriculum and their wishes honored on how their children should be educated.  The state needs to stop meddling and eliminate their social mandates, especially with respect to critical theory and racial divisiveness.                                                                                         


The state of Minnesota (and Hennepin County in particular) has sent a message to criminals that they are safe from aggressive prosecution, especially if young.   Police officers are threatened with legal action if someone gets hurt when protecting the public.  We need to send a strong message that criminals belong in prison and police officers who risk their lives are heroes to be rewarded.